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CopyRight & Your Cake

Updated: Mar 21, 2020

Author: Megan Ritz & Sarah Miller

Every character you see in a TV show, movie, video game or book is protected by copyright law.

Generic Princess Cake

It is illegal to replicate a character without permission. To do so would open yourself up to potential lawsuits and large fines. Not only to protect ourselves, but out of professional respect for those who have created these works of art, we do not reproduce licensed characters.

One Time Use Rights.

Some publishers will give us one time use rights to create your cake.

We have a history of getting these permissions from Lucas Studio and Dr. Seus.

You can go to their official website & request permission. Only then can we replicate a licensed character, logo or other image.

Public Domain.

Some characters are considered Public Domain. This means no one owns the rights & we can replicate these characters. Alice in Wonderland is an example of this. The book is public domain. The Disney movies & the associated characters are protected under copyright. This means we can create our own version of anything in the book but cannot replicate images from the movies.

So how do we accommodate requests for the latest princess, superhero or talking animal?

What can we do?

There is almost always something we can do to stay within the theme of your party without breaking copyright. We can make a woodland scene with bees for your Winnie the Pooh baby shower. We can put a spell book and a wand on your cake for your Harry Potter birthday. We can create our own version of the characters. We can turn you into the super hero of your own cake!

Be the hero of your own cake!

We can also put plastic figurines or toys on the cake. Even when there's no copyright to consider, sometimes it's just fun. We do not provide toys, but we can find a way to incorporate any toys you'd like to add. We just ask you run them through the dishwasher to sanitize them before placing them on the cake.

A construction scene without a backhoe is a very sad construction site. Who doesn’t love a new toy to play with?

Construction Cake with Toy Cars

If you’re wanting to include toys on your cake, let us know. We need to know the size and number of figures to make sure they all have a place, but we won’t put them on the cake. It is best to leave that to you, after the drive home. Tall narrow figurines are almost guaranteed to fall over in transit, so it's best to wait until the cake stops moving.

What now?

Don't worry! You don't have to understand all of this to get an awesome cake! Bring us your ideas and we will come up with a design plan that does not break copyright laws and will be sure to WOW your guests!

Click here to read the Slice of Life.

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